Summing up the bright event for the region’s industry – the conference “Safety and regulatory support of medicines from development to medical use” we would like to share a positive response from the guests and partners of PHARMAGATE company – representatives of the regulatory authorities of Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and the Monitoring Center WHO Health and Safety Administration (UMC) in Uppsala.
Traditionally, this event has become a platform for the exchange of experience, productive discussions and promising areas in the field of pharmacovigilance and safety of medicines in the region, in which Ukraine occupies a worthy place as an expert and flagship of the industry, as well as the place of warm friendly meetings of colleagues, like-minded people and innovators for the noble purpose of access patients to effective, high-quality, and most importantly safe products for health.
PHARMAGATE, being one of the leading team in supporting and operating pharmacovigilance systems for pharmaceutical manufacturers, consolidating its professional reputation in geography from Chisinau to Ulaanbaatar made friends and like-minded people who shared their experience and practical experience in this developing important field and, of course, adopted best practices Ukraine in active sessions of the conference and in an informal atmosphere of pleasant evening gatherings.
See you soon in Minsk, Baku, Chisinau, Bishkek, Yerevan, dear colleagues!